The One Thing You Should Do Instead of an RFP

How to hire a digital agency or web professional without writing a complex RFP so you can stop wasting time and get even better results.

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In This Free 2 Page Guide, I’ll Show you…

  • Why RFPs are doomed to get sub-par results.
  • The #1 thing you should ask when deciding on a digital agency. This way you will be sure you don’t waste your time with an agency that’s a bad fit.
  • The 3 things you should’t do when talking to a digital agency to qualify them.
  • The 2nd thing could mean the difference between getting an awesome solution for your nonprofit or an epic fail.
  • and so much more…

Hi! I'm Ketan Patel..

Ketan Patel, the pharmacist, turned real estate investor, specializes in identifying and acquiring undervalued multi-family properties in emerging markets throughout the US. Based in Boston, he controls a real estate portfolio in excess of 80 million dollars.

Initially choosing to become a pharmacist, Ketan earned his undergraduate degree from the University of Massachusetts in Boston and obtained his Pharmaceutical degree from The Massachusetts College of Pharmacy (MCPHS) through the accelerated program.